Publications about or using GEGELATI
Hybrid Genetic Programming and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Low-Complexity Robot Arm Trajectory Planning Q. Vacher, N. Beuve, P. Allaire, T. Marty, M. Dardaillon, K. Desnos
International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA) -
Design Automation and Multi-Objective Optimizations for High-Performance Embedded Software
K. Desnos
HDR Manuscript, Université de Rennes, France
- Tangled Program Graph for Radio-Frequency Fingerprint Identification
A. Chillet, B. Boyer, R. Gerzaguet, K. Desnos, M. Gautier
IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)
- Imbalanced Classification with TPG Genetic Programming: Impact of Problem Imbalance and Selection Mechanisms
N. Sourbier, J. Bonnot, K. Desnos, F. Majorczyk, O. Gesny, T.Guyet, M. Pelcat.
GECCO 2022 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. - Ultra-fast machine learning inference through C code generation for tangled program graphs
K. Desnos, T. Bourgoin, M. Dardaillon, N. Sourbier, O. Gesny, M. Pelcat
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) - SECURE-GEGELATI Always-On Intrusion Detection through GEGELATI Lightweight Tangled Program Graphs
N. Sourbier, K. Desnos, T. Guyet, F. Majorczyk, O. Gesny, M. Pelcat
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer 2022, vol. 94, no 7, p. 753-770. - Détection d’intrusion réseau par apprentissage machine, un problème temps réel, déséquilibré et en constante évolution.
N. Sourbier.
Ph.D. Manuscript, INSA Rennes, France
- GEGELATI: Lightweight Artificial Intelligence through Generic and Evolvable Tangled Program Graphs.
K. Desnos, N. Sourbier, P.-Y. Raumer, O. Gesny and M. Pelcat.
Workshop on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), ACM, 2021
If you use, criticize, or praise GEGELATI in your research, please cite the following:
K. Desnos, N. Sourbier, P.-Y. Raumer, O. Gesny and M. Pelcat. GEGELATI: Lightweight Artificial Intelligence through Generic and Evolvable Tangled Program Graphs. In Workshop on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), ACM, 2021
Or using Bibtex:
title = {GEGELATI: Lightweight Artificial Intelligence through Generic and Evolvable Tangled Program Graphs},
author = {Karol Desnos and Nicolas Sourbier and Pierre-Yves Raumer and Olivier Gesny and Maxime Pelcat },
year = {2021},
date = {2021-01-18},
booktitle = {Workshop on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP)},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {Budapest, Hungary},
series = {International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS)},